Babysitting Safety Fire Tips
September 27, 2021

Whether you work full time outside the home or are simply going out for the evening, you want the best possible care for your children while you are away from them. Before you hire anyone to watch over your children, make sure they are a mature, experienced, capable individual who truly cares about the welfare of the children.

Babysitting can be a great money earning opportunity but it comes with a lot of rules and responsibilities. Make sure you create an open line of communication and set expectations from the beginning. Spell out expectations and how you want the sitter to handle certain things. These might include basics on what to feed the baby, nap schedules and guidelines for other daily tasks. This also means to spell out some good rules for the sitter themselves such as show up on time, no texting or using cell phones for personal calls, no visitors and always engaging the kids. Babysitters should know the importance of being respectful, kind, fun and what to do in case of an emergency.

Being a babysitter means that you have someone else's life in your hands and that in itself is a tremendous responsibility. Through mutual co-operation and understanding, babysitters and parents can reduce the risk of potential harm and promote a safer environment for the child as well as for the babysitters themselves.

Accidents and emergencies will happen, and you should be prepared to handle them. Babysitters should know how to act and what to do when there is an emergency. Attached are some babysitting fire safety guidelines from the National Fire Protection Association. Remember to stay calm, find out exactly what is wrong, and call for help, if needed.

By following these simple guidelines, the babysitter can be rewarded by a feeling of confidence and develop a better relationship with the children in their care while parents will be rewarded by the knowledge that their child is secure and happy in the hands of a well-prepared and trusted babysitter.

Attachment BabysittingSafety.pdf  (855k)